One Gallon of 80% Surface Sanitizer Spray
Surface Sanitizer in accordance with the World Health Organization approved formulation which contains 80% Ethyl Alcohol and has been proven by WHO as effective against COVID-19. The product is made entirely from ingredients manufactured in the United States. The Ethyl Alcohol is specifically approved by the FDA for use in Hand Sanitizers.
This is a great price! We originally purchased it for our Hand Spray, but due to the 'scent', we quickly decided to make it a surface spray, not the 'smell' we want for our hands, but safe to use on your hands. This serves a great purpose, to Sanitize surfaces.
Looking for a great Surface Spray? This is a great industrial use Spray. It smells slightly like Tequila (due to the alcohol used in manufacturing) Not recommended for wood surfaces. May cause discoloring, try in small area first
Must Ship UPS
~Only able to ship our Sanitizer within Continental United State
~Sold in Gallon Jug~
- 128 fluid oz. ~